Friday, March 28, 2008

Family visit

My brother Ed and his girls Clara & Emily drove out to TN from NC to visit for a few days. We had a nice time catching up, hanging out and even went to downtown Memphis for a day and walked around. Good times!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why quilt?

Someone once asked me why I make quilts and other small projects only to stuff them away in cupboards, closets, armoires, boxes and baskets. Well I think this quote says it all...

"We need handmade to balance the mind-numbingly similar machine-made things around us, things that can only express the efficiency and speed with which they were produced. Craft makes our homes more human. We sense the time, care, and skill that went into the making. Resembling life, in its slow accumulation of experience, a crafted piece is an expression of the daily moods of the maker during its creation. It speaks of the concentration and love with which the object was made. It can be sensuous, intricate, full of sentiment- and imperfect. It carries the imprint of the hands that made it."

Friday, March 21, 2008


Another day at the park but today is a special day... Carmens 1st tooth came in !

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Birdhouse Quilt

I just finished up a cute Birdhouse Quilt for my Mother-In-Law. Its a way of thanking her for coming out to Tennessee from Colorado to help out with Carmen while my neck is still healing. It also doubles as a birthday gift. The quilt top is off getting quilted and I should be receiving it back any day now.