Friday, September 24, 2010

Yesterday was officially the 1st day of fall. Fall not only includes leaves turning brilliant colors of reds, oranges and yellows and weather turning cool but it also means the start of football.
I am not a Denver Broncos bandwagon jumper just because Tebow joined the team. I have been a Broncos fan since the 1st time I laid eyes on John Elway...1986. Even though he and most of his teammates have long retired, I remain now, and always will be a Broncos fan! Now lets get out there and win!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Carmens 1st Day of Daycare!

My baby started her 1st day of Daycare today. She goes two days a week this year. She didnt have any problems this morning. We walked into her classroom, put her backpack and lunchbox away and she was off and playing with the other kids. I stuck around for a few minutes so that I could talk to her teachers and they assured me that everything would be fine. Before I left I called Carmen over and gave her a hug and kiss and she told me she loved me. It was so sweet (I'm already starting to tear up at just the thought of it).

I am back home now with little Eli and the house is so quiet without Carmen here. Ive been telling myself for months that once she starts school I will be able to get all kinds of work done, lets hope that happens.
I miss you Carmen. We are so proud of you!