Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm Back

Wow, its been a long time since I've posted anything on here. But its not from a lack of interest. Today marks my 12th week of being pregnant! I have been waiting this long to break the news, as the first 12-13 weeks are the most critical in pregnancies of anything bad happening. I think we are in the clear now.

I have been battling morning and evening sickness for the past month. Its hard to eat or drink anything and the smell of any food makes me nautious. I have lost 15 lbs. (the hard way) but this is all normal and is exactly what I went thru with my last pregnancy. Those pounds will come back, unfortunately.

For anyone interested, I will be posting a link every week to my favorite pregnancy website which sends me weekly emails. These emails explain exactly what is going on with my baby and my body. Tons of info!

Here is Week 12:

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