Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Valentines Day Quilt

I came across this cute Valentines Day quilt last week and instantly fell in love with it. The colors are vibrant and sweet, the pattern is simple and I have gobs of leftover Valentine scraps from previous projects. With that being said, I rolled up my sleeves and got started.

Here's the link to the full tutorial including pictures.

Here's my stash that I had to work with.

The quilt only took me 4 days from start to finish. I think I could have easily done it in 2 days, but Carmen needs constant companionship. Plus, I'm 8 months pregnant, its not easy getting up and down to cut fabric and press blocks every few minutes. I had to pace myself!
Here's the finished project.

And what quilt would be complete without a matching pillow case!?

Carmen loves her quilt and pillow. Mission accomplished. And now she can enjoy it for a few weeks before Valentine's Day!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A touch of heartburn

Nothing is worse than heartburn. I have to admit, I don't think I've ever had heartburn until I was pregnant. When I was pregnant with Carmen I lived on Fruit Smoothie TUMS during the entire 3rd trimester. They actually weren't too bad. I have 6 weeks to go this time around and heartburn is just now coming into the picture. And hoooo-boooy is it bad. The best cure for heartburn? Ice cream! And lots of it!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nap vs no nap

Some days Carmen will nap for 2 hours, other days... no nap. Today is one of those "no-nap" days. Heeegghhhh. Instead, I got her up out of her pack-n-play and made her sit and quietly read a book in her rocking chair. I'm too cute to nap is what she seems to be thinking here.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1st snow of 2010

The weatherman has been preparing us all week for snow and it finally hit us lastnight. What I woke up to this morning was a big disappointment. Snow they say? Pffft, all we got was a light dusting. Totally pathetic, but this is, mind you, the South. Still, it was pretty to look at and Carmen had fun playing in it while it lasted.
Even the dogs loved it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome 2010

Now that Christmas is over and the New Year has begun, its time to start taking down the decorations. Andy had a little helper this year. And boy was it COLD outside!