Friday, June 3, 2011

Another day at the Memphis Zoo

Its Friday again and almost 100'... welcome summer, right? Well, we can only stand to be cooped up in the house for so long on hot days so I loaded the kids up in the car and we headed to the zoo again. Got there early and got out early.

First stop...the 'Animals Of The Night' exhibit...or what Carmen calls 'The Bat Cave.' We love this exhibit for 2 reasons. 1) the air conditioning and 2) the really neat animals inside. Porcupine, armadillo, sloth, bats, beetles, and a few really rare creatures from South America. Wish I could have gotten some good pics of the animals but its just too dark inside.

I did manage to get a good shot of Carmen and Eli enjoying themselves... and the creatures.

Our next stop was the new 'Birds & Bees' exhibit which just opened last week. We walked in and were overwhelmed with the amount of parakeets inside. Carmen even got to feed one from a stick. She just held the stick (which had a clump of bird seed on one end) up in the air and a parakeet swooped right down and landed on it. Pretty cool.

And whats cooler than a bird landing on your stick? Two birds landing on your stick!

Our last stop of the day was 'Teton Trek' which is the home to 3 grizzly bears, a small pack of white wolves and some elk. The lodge is very impressive. It is a much smaller replica of Yellowstone Lodge. We sat down inside and watched kids play in the fountain outside while we cooled off and enjoyed our sack lunch.

The great thing about going to the zoo is that we bought a yearly membership pass, so we can go anytime we want and just see a few exhibits each day. Next time we will see the Polar Bear and Sea Lions.

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