Monday, June 28, 2010

Butterfly Love

Carmen loves butterflies!


Andy went in for his hernia operation last Wednesday and I am happy to report that he is recovering well. Nothing a few pain killers won't fix. He is not to lift anything over 5 lbs for the next 4 weeks and nothing over 10 lbs for the following 2 weeks after that. Sigh, its been a heavy load for me but I am trudging along.

I took this photo of the 4 of us the night before Andy went in for his surgery. So happy!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Eli woke me up at 4:30 this morning. We always give him a few minutes to cry because sometimes he will go right back to sleep. After giving him his time and not hearing him quiet down, I got up to get his bottle going while Andy went to change his diaper. Bottle was ready, but Eli went back to sleep. So did Andy. As for me, well once I'm up, I stay up. So I went to lie down on the leather sofa in the office. The office sits just off the kitchen and the light from the microwave oven gave off an eerie glow. The glow hit my framed Christine movie poster just right. Can you believe I took this photo in pitch black darkness (with the flash, of course). I have tried so many times to take this picture only to get glares and sunspots. I love my camera... and Stephen King!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Free Toy Story Plate

I got this cute Toy Story sectional plate today in the mail for FREE. Just collect the bar codes off of specially marked packages of Sara Lee buns and bread and mail them in for free Toy Story stuff. The plate required 3 bar codes. For 4 bar codes you get a tumbler and breakfast plate, and for 5 bar codes you get a glow-in-the-dark lunch box. You dont even have to pay for s/h. How cool is that?

Heres the website for more details: Click on the "mail-in offer" icon.

White Lily

In our city we have what they call "curb alerts." The city not only picks up garbage, recyclables and yard debris, they also allow you to put just about anything on the curb that you dont want anymore. I have seen some pretty interesting stuff such as washers/dryers, old mattresses, used furniture, etc. The night before garbage day is a free-for all for junk collectors. I must admit, Im guilty of picking up a thing or two from someones throw-away heap.

Take this potted plant I picked up 2 weeks ago. I drove by it on the way to get my much loved morning iced coffee and thought about it the whole way. I hurried back home hoping it was still there and sure enough it was (it was garbage day and wouldnt be there much longer). I pulled up, flipped a u-turn and tossed the dirty pot into the back of the car. The plastic pot has a hole on one side and I had no idea what kind of plant was growing in it but I'm a sucker for plants and pots.

Once I got it home, pulled out the dead parts and gave it a good drink, I set it on the back porch and waited.

One of the buds finally opened this morning and what a nice surprise to find it to be a white lily! Orange tiger lilies are all over the place down here, they seem to be a Tennessee weed. Pretty isn't it?