Thursday, May 29, 2008


Summer never starts until I get my first taste of watermelon for the year. Even though summer doesnt start for another 3 weeks (June 21), its here in my book. Carmen got her first taste of the cool, juicy treat today and by the look on her face, she likes it! YUM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Adios Buzzard

When it rains, it pours, and not only in the bad sense of the phrase. We got the Mazda Monday and sold the Buzzard Tuesday (yesterday). Is that a lucky streak or what? Wonder whats gonna happen today - they say everything happens in 3's.
A guy came to look at the truck yesterday afternoon and I could tell he fell in love with it instantly. It was perfect for him and his landscaping company - Ford, 4 door, truck, 8 ft bed, tool box, and I quote him "Its my favorite color." Hah! He came back later that evening and wrote us a check. Awesome!
Farewell Buzzard, you served us well.

Monday, May 26, 2008

2008 Mazda 3 TR VE

Andys 1st brand new car purchase! Got it today. Isnt it cute? Very zippy from what Im told, I wouldn't know, I haven't driven it or even sat in it yet. Heehee. Great gas mileage for his daily commuter. Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day Weekend!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stephen King

I LOVE Stephen King, Im almost obsessed with him. It all started when I was in high school and read my first King book titled "Salems' Lot." Holy crap did that scare the living tar outta me but it made me thirst for more. I am the biggest chicken when it comes to scary movies, wont watch them, but King just does it for me. I own well over half of his collection in hardback and am trying to find some of the older books in hardback as well. Been scouring thrift stores, used book stores and even looking online.
Some of Stephen's stuff is scary, but there are alot of titles out there that people don't realize he wrote. Take for example the movies Stand By Me, Shawshank Redemption, Dolores Claiborne and Secret Window (with Johnny Depp). He even wrote a book called "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" (not very scary, but weird) and then a few years later made a childrens POPUP book out of it - totally cool and someday will be a collectors item (of course I just happen to have a copy of it). There are so many great movies derived from his books, but the book is sooooo much usually is in most cases.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fridays Weigh-in

OK, so I usually only weigh-in on Mondays which is bad because I do good all week, but on weekends I eat horribly because Andy is home. I am still doing so-so on my weight. I am down to 168. Not bad considering I was at 176 around Christmas time. My goal: 140 (which I havent weighed since 1998). 150 is a little more realisitic but thats still almost 20 lbs.... YIPES!
Mom is here this week - today is her 65th birthday so we did a little shopping today. More tomorrow so Andy can watch Carmen while we are out.
My wrist is steadily getting worse every day. I go in next Tuesday to see a specialist and I am almost certain he will give me a cortisone shot - not too thrilled about that but at this point I will take anything to ease the pain.
My neck scar is fading ever so slightly - still very noticeable, to me at least. I know people see it because I catch them looking at it while they are talking to me, instead of looking me in the eye. Kinda annoying, but thats human nature.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sea Glass

Heres all the seaglass that I have been working on. Colors are cobalt blue, cornflower blue, aqua, green, lavender, clear and rootbeer. Not sure what to do with it now. Jewelry, suncatcher, wind chime or maybe even mosaic a flower pot? Hmmm... choices, choices. I have another batch going in the tumbler today, only this batch is broken up pottery. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Carmen is growing up fast. She is 8 1/2 mos old and is wearing 12 mo old clothes. Shes not overweight, just healthy! We had a nice, quiet Mother's Day yesterday. Just hung around the house and spent time with each other.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tendonitis in the wrist

Before my neck surgery I had severe pain in my neck, left shoulder all the way down to my wrist and numbness in my fingers. Immediately after the surgery all the pain was gone and I felt like a new woman. The past week and a half I've been having very sharp pain in my left wrist. Anytime I lifted something or even used the turning signal in my car I would get a shot of pain. I thought maybe I just tweaked it lifting something heavy, but as the pain grew worse I knew something was wrong. I finally called the doctor who performed my neck surgery and told him what was going on. I was hoping the pain wasn't related because if it was, hoooo boy, I was probably going to have to go thru another surgery. He looked at my wrist and felt around and thinks its just tendonitis - which is cause by repetetive lifting and straining. Of course, lifting the baby out of the crib, on and off the floor, in and out of her jumper, diaper changing. He gave me 5 days worth of pills (21 pills to be exact) and wants to see me again this Friday. He is confident that the pills will take care of the inflammation. Keeping my fingers crossed that its nothing more serious such as Carpal Tunnel. I've already taken 2 this morning about an hour ago and its amazing how I already feel a little better. Side effects of the drug: "You will feel wired for the week." Greeeeaaaaaat... just what Andy needs! Hah! Will keep you posted.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Buzzard

With the price of gas going up every day, we finally made the difficult decision to sell the "Buzzard." It served us well in Idaho making several trips to nurseries for dirt, sod and barkdust and also trips to Home Depot and Lowes for wood and supplies. Its a beautiful truck but a gas hog. We still have "Blanca" to use for towing the boat so we aren't out completely. We've had a 4 Sale sign in the truck for just a few weeks but nobody is nibbling, not much market for a gas guzzler. Today shes on her way to be traded in on a small economy car. Poor thing! Will keep you posted as to what our next vehicle will be. RIP Buzzard!
Laughed at the ridiculous offer the dealership gave us so the 4 sale sign goes back into the truck. Anyone interested? Gimme a hollar.