Friday, May 16, 2008

Fridays Weigh-in

OK, so I usually only weigh-in on Mondays which is bad because I do good all week, but on weekends I eat horribly because Andy is home. I am still doing so-so on my weight. I am down to 168. Not bad considering I was at 176 around Christmas time. My goal: 140 (which I havent weighed since 1998). 150 is a little more realisitic but thats still almost 20 lbs.... YIPES!
Mom is here this week - today is her 65th birthday so we did a little shopping today. More tomorrow so Andy can watch Carmen while we are out.
My wrist is steadily getting worse every day. I go in next Tuesday to see a specialist and I am almost certain he will give me a cortisone shot - not too thrilled about that but at this point I will take anything to ease the pain.
My neck scar is fading ever so slightly - still very noticeable, to me at least. I know people see it because I catch them looking at it while they are talking to me, instead of looking me in the eye. Kinda annoying, but thats human nature.

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